Son, right now you are approaching sleep, as your mother tucks you in. Tonights lecture has nothing to do with leading nations, freedom of speech, civil rights, or even hot girls (That is for tomorrow at the pool). Tonight the focus is on you.
Tonight, you and I got a chance to hang out under the stars, by a roaring fire while swinging in the hammock. Many years from now, this memory will have long passed for you I am sure but it will still be vivid for me long into my senility. However, when you read this, the lesson I want you to take away is to make sure you make these memories for you with your own son - or daughter. The time is invaluable, and while you sat there talking of your days events, I watched the embers glow orange and the stars shine bright white against the deep, dark sky above. I hardly notice the blood draining into the invisible mosquitoes, or the houses that envelop our neighborhood.
That time, that precious time, which slips through our hands as you get older, and taller, and smarter, and just grow into being you, stops as we sit there under the sky, and I am grateful for those moments. I could listen your stories for hours. Tomorrow, I will bring the marshmallows, and the tent - You bring more stories. And in a few years when I spent this time with your little sister - don't be jealous - I promise I will make enough time for both of you.
The thoughts of Jason D. Port, world traveler, ex-attorney, ex-soldier, current thinker, and future seer. I also build governments (and sometimes topple them), keep princesses from trouble and raise a hero.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Another day of heated debate
Well son, today I inspired a day of heated debate by my friends, colleagues and patriots. People who love their country - who love their fellow man, stepped up to kick down those who don't believe in their one true approach to American government. And when bright minds differ, we have evolved to name calling, exaggeration and flexing of the truth to where it is no longer recognized.
As you grow older, I am sure our nation will mature, but in what direction I am not sure. Interestingly, in 1992, I was in and around London, England, with the British Army. During that time, I learned a few things. First, and most important, I learned that it is possible to train hard all day, shooting, marching, more shooting and more marching around a town called Thetford. I also learned that after all of that you can drink from around 10 pm until 3-4 am and then continue the training, if you really try and push through the pounding in your head.
Most importantly, I learned of the importance of tradition and respect. During this visit I was informed by our US leaders not to ever question the role of the queen. Seriously, a matriarch in the 20th century, who had no real power and whose only authority has been derived from being born from the "right" uterus. However, to the English people, she and her family represented the elite. The aristocracy had a role, and she acted as a model for all people on behavior, on culture, and being a lady, when all about are losing their head. In fact, I probed the subject with my peers in their Army and it cost me dearly in pints of warm bitters. They are serious about it.
Again in the military, I learned these important lessons. Despite the several leaders I had over the years who failed me, I knew I had to follow the rules that required I follow, as those who may have disagreed with me had to follow me at times as well. While not a perfect system, it allows a unit to operate under extreme duress, when the chips are down and when all about them are again losing their heads. Certainly not the best approach, but we lack a hive mind, so this will have to work. And it surprisingly does. It works even better when the leader you have knows how to get the best from you. By now you have met your uncles Greg and Dave and others and know what I mean.
So onto my point. We are a nation in crisis. We have a failed economy. A failed corporate America, where greed, and deregulation of key industries married to destroy economic prosperity. We have two wars, plus a globe in humanitarian failure. We have an illegal immigration problem, coupled with a disease of sloth among many of our citizens. We have a pseudo democracy as a form of Government, where money can drive the incompetent or expired into power term after term after term, and where the truly competent leaders of our generation run fleeing into private industry. We have a Government which is bloating like a corpse in the river, but where our people turn in times of crisis. And lastly, and likely the worst, we have a long outdated two-party system, which likely represents only a minority of citizens and that has disenfranchised most of the middle and lower-upper classes by representing those who are not them. So what do we do? We eat our leadership.
Now, before I continue, I want to remind you of two recurring themes to these missives. First, the Constitution is our nation's guiding beacon. There is nothing else that matters, and the measure of a nation is how it behaves in light of this document, when the chips are down. Second, critical thought is a key factor in your success in life. When people bring you ideas, you must always consider them carefully before making a decision. Life is about the choices you make, and not the crap you acquire. Therefore, always look at what is in it for all involved and not just what will you get out of it.
So, let's look at our current state. The far right would tell you that our current leader is to blame. That he is evil and that he is trying to indoctrinate our children. (I would say that we could do a better job of indoctrinating our children into being a little more pro patria). The right would argue that his programs are socialist. That his behavior is driven by racial motives, or that he represents the interests of terrorists. All of those things and more have made it to Fox News. And been spoken by Republican leadership.
On the other hand, our more liberal representatives would blame our current crisis on the former President. They would focus on the last administration, and attempt to evade any criticism for their own significant failings as the Congress who deregulated housing, a key market driver in a society which produces nothing (seriously son, our country produces exactly nothing, except services, porn and some other useless crap - everything else comes from Asia - Thanks Unions!) The left will push issues the nation is likely not ready for while hiding behind a black man shouting "racist" at every critic of his administration.
So where is the solution? I suspect if your mother and I are still in this country as you reach adulthood, the solution is like everything else. In moderation. The reality is that the truth is in the middle, and yes, it shall set you free.
Is our President socialist? Perhaps more so than we are used to. Socialist in the sense of post-depression activities like welfare, and food stamps, but perhaps to a more significant degree. However, this guy inherited a train wreck from his predecessor, and this train had the brakes release before President GW Bush took office. Wanna blame someone? There are plenty of targets to go around.
Does that make him evil? A guy named McCarthy say around called all of the people in Hollywood "Communists". Were they? Probably not. Did it make them evil? No. Was McCarthy an ass? Yep, but was he evil? No. We just arrested a guy who locked up three women in his back yard for over 18 years. He was evil. I watched two towers collapse in New York, on live television, while those below and above died. That was evil. Giving healthcare to poor people? I don't like it but it is far from evil.
Do we need socialism of the core providers like healthcare, the auto industry and banking? I suspect not. However, the systems as they are today are screwed up. They fail to provide to the masses. They fail to provide, even for those who can afford to pay. Period. I almost had to pay $6,000 in medical bills for you my boy, because the insurance company put a check in a box where there should be no check. But this is not a reason to Federalize these services (For the record calling these services socialized or Socialist is a great term to inflame thanks to 40 years of the Cold War - Just ask Charlie McCarthy)
Should we just figure it all out without the taxpayer "buying" the failures? I am sure we should - But I didn't get elected on 11/4/2008. So you know what? I am not sure these are the solutions, but the people have spoken. Therefore those who oppose have two choice, really. Wait until 11/4/2012 and make some changes, or take up arms against the tyranny of a Government to be unjust. I suppose there is a third option, but it is unpopular. Step up to the plate, and go to their congressman. Get involved. Take a real stand but without hiding behind the bitter rhetoric of ratings whores. Better still - volunteer to help children who are without because of lazy parents to become more than their parents accomplished. Help those who cannot help themselves to become better so that someday they will help those who are in need.
Did our congress screw up? Definitely. Was our former president out of his depth? Sure was. Is our current one? Maybe. However, I will say this one important thing. It is easy to be an armchair president. It is easy to second guess. Those who take that job likely have some personality quirks that I don't care for, but most importantly, I know I don't want the job. In our immature culture, it is too easy to sit back though, and say I don't want the job, and still bitch about the job the guy is doing. Another lesson from my friends from the British Army - "Any cunt can criticize." (Sorry readers, you may find this objectionable, but I do so love the 1st Amendment.) This phrase is as applicable to a light infantry platoon making mistakes as it is to leading a nation. We will make mistakes - these guys have to figure out how to fix them.
A last question for you. Do we in the middle and lower-upper classes live in a bubble? We definitely do. As you get older, I encourage you to see the worst parts of this great land. While our pundits shout down opposition, many of them have never spent real time with a family whose house burned to the ground after they lost insurance, after the husband lost a job, because we have to more industry. I found a house not far from where we live, where the two women who lived there were descendants of slaves, and had never bought property of their own. They were evicted, when the owner of the property, whose grandparents had invited the slave family to stay in the home on the property after the emancipation proclamation. Before you were born, I had coffee with a man whose home had been blown apart except for the one remaining room, where he lived, until he could rebuild. And he paid for the coffee. My point is that while we shout at each other, write checks to charity and drive our German cars around, we keep a blind eye to the Mexican woman who cleans our hotel rooms, or the dirty white kid who washes our car. Or even to the World War II veteran who served his four years fighting Nazis and liberating nations, but today has to split his pills in half, because the job he worked for decades lost his pension funds and now finds himself on limited income, but too proud to take Government assistance. Go out son, and meet these people, for they are where the truth lies. Great Americans who work so their children can see a brighter future.
When we look beyond this bubble and realize that "There but for the Grace of God Go I," we realize quickly that we must find a national solution. That while the guy who is in charge is in the elected position authorized by our founding documents, that he is in charge. That it is time to shut up and march and shoot and fight like hell to get through this, and that your dissent is past critical thought and that both sides are being cunty (Thanks Color Sergeant Mick, I will never forget this lesson, though I have forgotten your last name). It is frankly time for sacrifice. To pick up and fight, and to get this nation back to where it should be. And frankly a place for my many friends to realize that the other side is not entirely wrong and that their own side is not entirely right, but rather that the solution will only be found when we can sit down at the table, over some beers, and discuss - without name calling - the facts and the objectives. And perhaps in the morning through hangovers we will find that our sight pictures are a little more crisp as the fog lifts, and those who are on our left and right sides are a little more close to brethren and a little farther from being the enemy.
As you grow older, I am sure our nation will mature, but in what direction I am not sure. Interestingly, in 1992, I was in and around London, England, with the British Army. During that time, I learned a few things. First, and most important, I learned that it is possible to train hard all day, shooting, marching, more shooting and more marching around a town called Thetford. I also learned that after all of that you can drink from around 10 pm until 3-4 am and then continue the training, if you really try and push through the pounding in your head.
Most importantly, I learned of the importance of tradition and respect. During this visit I was informed by our US leaders not to ever question the role of the queen. Seriously, a matriarch in the 20th century, who had no real power and whose only authority has been derived from being born from the "right" uterus. However, to the English people, she and her family represented the elite. The aristocracy had a role, and she acted as a model for all people on behavior, on culture, and being a lady, when all about are losing their head. In fact, I probed the subject with my peers in their Army and it cost me dearly in pints of warm bitters. They are serious about it.
Again in the military, I learned these important lessons. Despite the several leaders I had over the years who failed me, I knew I had to follow the rules that required I follow, as those who may have disagreed with me had to follow me at times as well. While not a perfect system, it allows a unit to operate under extreme duress, when the chips are down and when all about them are again losing their heads. Certainly not the best approach, but we lack a hive mind, so this will have to work. And it surprisingly does. It works even better when the leader you have knows how to get the best from you. By now you have met your uncles Greg and Dave and others and know what I mean.
So onto my point. We are a nation in crisis. We have a failed economy. A failed corporate America, where greed, and deregulation of key industries married to destroy economic prosperity. We have two wars, plus a globe in humanitarian failure. We have an illegal immigration problem, coupled with a disease of sloth among many of our citizens. We have a pseudo democracy as a form of Government, where money can drive the incompetent or expired into power term after term after term, and where the truly competent leaders of our generation run fleeing into private industry. We have a Government which is bloating like a corpse in the river, but where our people turn in times of crisis. And lastly, and likely the worst, we have a long outdated two-party system, which likely represents only a minority of citizens and that has disenfranchised most of the middle and lower-upper classes by representing those who are not them. So what do we do? We eat our leadership.
Now, before I continue, I want to remind you of two recurring themes to these missives. First, the Constitution is our nation's guiding beacon. There is nothing else that matters, and the measure of a nation is how it behaves in light of this document, when the chips are down. Second, critical thought is a key factor in your success in life. When people bring you ideas, you must always consider them carefully before making a decision. Life is about the choices you make, and not the crap you acquire. Therefore, always look at what is in it for all involved and not just what will you get out of it.
So, let's look at our current state. The far right would tell you that our current leader is to blame. That he is evil and that he is trying to indoctrinate our children. (I would say that we could do a better job of indoctrinating our children into being a little more pro patria). The right would argue that his programs are socialist. That his behavior is driven by racial motives, or that he represents the interests of terrorists. All of those things and more have made it to Fox News. And been spoken by Republican leadership.
On the other hand, our more liberal representatives would blame our current crisis on the former President. They would focus on the last administration, and attempt to evade any criticism for their own significant failings as the Congress who deregulated housing, a key market driver in a society which produces nothing (seriously son, our country produces exactly nothing, except services, porn and some other useless crap - everything else comes from Asia - Thanks Unions!) The left will push issues the nation is likely not ready for while hiding behind a black man shouting "racist" at every critic of his administration.
So where is the solution? I suspect if your mother and I are still in this country as you reach adulthood, the solution is like everything else. In moderation. The reality is that the truth is in the middle, and yes, it shall set you free.
Is our President socialist? Perhaps more so than we are used to. Socialist in the sense of post-depression activities like welfare, and food stamps, but perhaps to a more significant degree. However, this guy inherited a train wreck from his predecessor, and this train had the brakes release before President GW Bush took office. Wanna blame someone? There are plenty of targets to go around.
Does that make him evil? A guy named McCarthy say around called all of the people in Hollywood "Communists". Were they? Probably not. Did it make them evil? No. Was McCarthy an ass? Yep, but was he evil? No. We just arrested a guy who locked up three women in his back yard for over 18 years. He was evil. I watched two towers collapse in New York, on live television, while those below and above died. That was evil. Giving healthcare to poor people? I don't like it but it is far from evil.
Do we need socialism of the core providers like healthcare, the auto industry and banking? I suspect not. However, the systems as they are today are screwed up. They fail to provide to the masses. They fail to provide, even for those who can afford to pay. Period. I almost had to pay $6,000 in medical bills for you my boy, because the insurance company put a check in a box where there should be no check. But this is not a reason to Federalize these services (For the record calling these services socialized or Socialist is a great term to inflame thanks to 40 years of the Cold War - Just ask Charlie McCarthy)
Should we just figure it all out without the taxpayer "buying" the failures? I am sure we should - But I didn't get elected on 11/4/2008. So you know what? I am not sure these are the solutions, but the people have spoken. Therefore those who oppose have two choice, really. Wait until 11/4/2012 and make some changes, or take up arms against the tyranny of a Government to be unjust. I suppose there is a third option, but it is unpopular. Step up to the plate, and go to their congressman. Get involved. Take a real stand but without hiding behind the bitter rhetoric of ratings whores. Better still - volunteer to help children who are without because of lazy parents to become more than their parents accomplished. Help those who cannot help themselves to become better so that someday they will help those who are in need.
Did our congress screw up? Definitely. Was our former president out of his depth? Sure was. Is our current one? Maybe. However, I will say this one important thing. It is easy to be an armchair president. It is easy to second guess. Those who take that job likely have some personality quirks that I don't care for, but most importantly, I know I don't want the job. In our immature culture, it is too easy to sit back though, and say I don't want the job, and still bitch about the job the guy is doing. Another lesson from my friends from the British Army - "Any cunt can criticize." (Sorry readers, you may find this objectionable, but I do so love the 1st Amendment.) This phrase is as applicable to a light infantry platoon making mistakes as it is to leading a nation. We will make mistakes - these guys have to figure out how to fix them.
A last question for you. Do we in the middle and lower-upper classes live in a bubble? We definitely do. As you get older, I encourage you to see the worst parts of this great land. While our pundits shout down opposition, many of them have never spent real time with a family whose house burned to the ground after they lost insurance, after the husband lost a job, because we have to more industry. I found a house not far from where we live, where the two women who lived there were descendants of slaves, and had never bought property of their own. They were evicted, when the owner of the property, whose grandparents had invited the slave family to stay in the home on the property after the emancipation proclamation. Before you were born, I had coffee with a man whose home had been blown apart except for the one remaining room, where he lived, until he could rebuild. And he paid for the coffee. My point is that while we shout at each other, write checks to charity and drive our German cars around, we keep a blind eye to the Mexican woman who cleans our hotel rooms, or the dirty white kid who washes our car. Or even to the World War II veteran who served his four years fighting Nazis and liberating nations, but today has to split his pills in half, because the job he worked for decades lost his pension funds and now finds himself on limited income, but too proud to take Government assistance. Go out son, and meet these people, for they are where the truth lies. Great Americans who work so their children can see a brighter future.
When we look beyond this bubble and realize that "There but for the Grace of God Go I," we realize quickly that we must find a national solution. That while the guy who is in charge is in the elected position authorized by our founding documents, that he is in charge. That it is time to shut up and march and shoot and fight like hell to get through this, and that your dissent is past critical thought and that both sides are being cunty (Thanks Color Sergeant Mick, I will never forget this lesson, though I have forgotten your last name). It is frankly time for sacrifice. To pick up and fight, and to get this nation back to where it should be. And frankly a place for my many friends to realize that the other side is not entirely wrong and that their own side is not entirely right, but rather that the solution will only be found when we can sit down at the table, over some beers, and discuss - without name calling - the facts and the objectives. And perhaps in the morning through hangovers we will find that our sight pictures are a little more crisp as the fog lifts, and those who are on our left and right sides are a little more close to brethren and a little farther from being the enemy.
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