So son, since my last penning, a lot has changed. And a lot has stayed the same. By the time you read this, the history books will tell of a man, a black man, who was elected President of the United States. He has been in office about 7 months now, and people are expecting miracles, and he has yet to deliver. However, he has been delivering. Unfortunately, the population of these United States take and they seldom return anything, except their unwavering ability to be contrarian. I will say that at least he seems to have restored the title President to the office, but that is a far cry from turning the nation around. He has my faith and support still today, but there are many who would armchair quarterback and cry "Socialist" than stand up and offer a different, unselfish plan.
Interesting is that the thing you won't learn from the school book that you will someday read about our Nation, its first black President and our current leadership is that unlike when Washington and the many other framers of our Government sat down at the table to create this nation, they did so with the intention of doing something great. Something larger than their collective. Today, we have representation from each state - all motivated by their own desire to be popular and not to serve the greater good. Today, we have a fourth estate - the media - who sit by and criticize, without an inkling of how to solve for the problem our nation has created. So I beg you, as you read the books someday of how we persevered through these times, remember your father's belief in critical thought, and wonder aloud about those who lead you during your generation. Always ask, "what is in it for them," before you make a decision to support their actions.
Right now, I write this from our front porch, while you rest upstairs watching Spongebob and drift groggily off to sleep. A few weeks ago, Rich returned home from Iraq. He spent his time there leading young men whose mission was to maneuver prisoners around the battlefields of Iraq. He worked tirelessly, often overnights and always far from home and in harm's way. I hope you will meet him someday, as he is a great guy who your father spent too much time with when I was a soldier.
Today, John returned home from Afghanistan, having spent a year there training members of the Afghani Police how to be better police. John is a soldier on the weekends, but full time he is a police officer in Las Vegas. Remember this when you do something stupid during a college road trip to Vegas. "Officer, I would really like to speak with Captain John Woosnam," as it may get you out of jail. By the time you can do something like this, John will be in charge of the whole state's police department.
I hope that by the time you read this, we be deep in another 2 decades of peace as the burden war brings to a country is tough to imagine especially when people you have considered brothers are pulled back in - over and over. Rich has gone three times in his career, and that is frankly three too many.
In the meantime, remember that you and those like you will be the future of this nation. I know this is a hearty burden. Unfortunately as I watch many of this nation's parents sit back and allow the school systems to pass them along, and as I watch the children play sports where everyone gets a prize, I know that we as a country are in for a hard lesson which will become your burden. Know that your father will love you always, but the trophies you earn from hard work will be when I am proudest. And when you don't get one even though you played hard, when get up and play again, I will be even prouder still. Just think back to all the times you shook it off and rubbed some dirt in it. Now, off to pull your covers up tight to make sure you sleep soundly in the freedom we have thanks to the great Americans like John and Rich, who sleep with their loved ones tonight again after too long.